View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000007AlmaLinux-8almalinux-releasepublic2021-02-09 10:20
Reportermoula Assigned Toalukoshko  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0000007: Does not detect iso during installation after booting on proxmoxve.
DescriptionNo possibility to continue the installation, no possibility to choose the installation source (iso on ceph).
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files



2021-02-03 10:30

administrator   ~0000003

What ISO file are you using for installation?
Did you check it's checksum?


2021-02-03 11:18

reporter   ~0000004

I use AlmaLinux-8.3-beta-1-x86_64-dvd1.iso




2021-02-04 08:04

administrator   ~0000005

1) Was DVD source available before you've enabled network?
2) If it was, could you Verify it? (see attached screenshot)

As a workaround when sources get stuck you can switch network off/on in Network settings dialog to refresh them.


2021-02-04 08:30

administrator   ~0000006

Did media test pass?
almalinux_iso_boot_01.png (61,230 bytes)   
almalinux_iso_boot_01.png (61,230 bytes)   


2021-02-04 08:31

reporter   ~0000007

I have not choice file.
Just ( Network ): https, http, ftp and nfs


2021-02-04 08:35

administrator   ~0000008

You don't have to choose file.
See enabled first radio button with auto-detected media, could you press VĂ©rifier button?


2021-02-04 08:47

reporter   ~0000009

I enabled it but it never detected!!!
I will take another iso and teste with and i will come back


2021-02-04 09:16

reporter   ~0000010

I downloaded another iso, I tried again but it does not pass the test !!!


2021-02-04 09:24

administrator   ~0000011

Could you try with minimal ISO?


2021-02-04 09:32

reporter   ~0000012

It works with my third iso
I will continue to test it with K8S. in the event of a bug, I will come back to you.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-02-03 09:41 moula New Issue
2021-02-03 09:41 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-03 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment.png
2021-02-03 09:41 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-03 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(1).png
2021-02-03 09:41 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-03 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(2).png
2021-02-03 10:30 alukoshko Note Added: 0000003
2021-02-03 11:18 moula Note Added: 0000004
2021-02-03 11:18 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-03 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(3).png
2021-02-04 07:58 alukoshko Assigned To => alukoshko
2021-02-04 07:58 alukoshko Status new => acknowledged
2021-02-04 08:04 alukoshko Note Added: 0000005
2021-02-04 08:04 alukoshko File Added: almalinux_anaconda_source_01.png
2021-02-04 08:30 alukoshko Note Added: 0000006
2021-02-04 08:30 alukoshko File Added: almalinux_iso_boot_01.png
2021-02-04 08:31 moula Note Added: 0000007
2021-02-04 08:31 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-04 pve1 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(6).png
2021-02-04 08:35 alukoshko Note Added: 0000008
2021-02-04 08:47 moula Note Added: 0000009
2021-02-04 08:47 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-04 pve3 - Proxmox Virtual Environment.png
2021-02-04 08:47 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-04 pve3 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(1).png
2021-02-04 09:16 moula Note Added: 0000010
2021-02-04 09:16 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-04 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(1).png
2021-02-04 09:24 alukoshko Note Added: 0000011
2021-02-04 09:32 moula Note Added: 0000012
2021-02-04 09:32 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-04 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(2).png
2021-02-04 09:32 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-04 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(3).png
2021-02-04 09:32 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-04 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(4).png
2021-02-04 09:32 moula File Added: Screenshot_2021-02-04 pve2 - Proxmox Virtual Environment(5).png
2021-02-09 10:20 alukoshko Status acknowledged => closed
2021-02-09 10:20 alukoshko Resolution open => no change required