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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000489AlmaLinux-9glibcpublic2025-01-21 04:41
Reportertheqkash Assigned Tometalefty  
Status resolvedResolutionopen 
Platformx86_64OSAlmaLinuxOS Version9.5
Summary0000489: glibc 2.3.4-125 Segmentation Fault on AlmaLinux 9.5
DescriptionI have a platform on Zen 4.

I was unable to install AlmaLinux 9.5 from iso, so I've tried 9.1 and 9.4 and trying to upgrade. It always ended with Segmentation fault, and even kernel was not correctly upgraded because of that.

After some research I've found out that it is caused by glibc. After glibc 2.3.4-125 is installed, it is giving Segmentation fault for python and several more things.

This might be connected with or

It makes impossible to install CloudLinux in any possible way as well, because when glibc is upgraded nothing is working good, and if I packagelock glibc there are dependencies issues.
Steps To Reproducednf install glibc
Last metadata expiration check: 0:04:32 ago on Sun Nov 24 13:10:00 2024.
Package glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package Architecture Version Repository Size
 glibc x86_64 2.34-125.el9_5.1 baseos 2.0 M
 glibc-common x86_64 2.34-125.el9_5.1 baseos 296 k
 glibc-gconv-extra x86_64 2.34-125.el9_5.1 baseos 1.6 M
 glibc-minimal-langpack x86_64 2.34-125.el9_5.1 baseos 22 k

Transaction Summary
Upgrade 4 Packages

Total download size: 3.8 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/4): glibc-common-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64.rpm 1.7 MB/s | 296 kB 00:00
(2/4): glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64.rpm 891 kB/s | 22 kB 00:00
(3/4): glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64.rpm 4.7 MB/s | 1.6 MB 00:00
(4/4): glibc-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64.rpm 4.0 MB/s | 2.0 MB 00:00
Total 4.2 MB/s | 3.8 MB 00:00
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing : 1/1
  Upgrading : glibc-common-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 1/8
  Upgrading : glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 2/8
  Running scriptlet: glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 2/8
  Upgrading : glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 3/8
  Running scriptlet: glibc-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 4/8
  Upgrading : glibc-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 4/8
  Running scriptlet: glibc-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 4/8
  Cleanup : glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 5/8
  Cleanup : glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 6/8
  Cleanup : glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 7/8
  Running scriptlet: glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 7/8
  Cleanup : glibc-common-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 8/8
  Running scriptlet: glibc-common-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 8/8
  Verifying : glibc-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 1/8
  Verifying : glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 2/8
  Verifying : glibc-common-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 3/8
  Verifying : glibc-common-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 4/8
  Verifying : glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 5/8
  Verifying : glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 6/8
  Verifying : glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 7/8
  Verifying : glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 8/8

  glibc-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 glibc-common-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64 glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-125.el9_5.1.x86_64

[root@zone ~]# dnf update
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
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2024-11-25 13:26

manager   ~0001090

I have seen this issue with 10 Kitten. Unforturately, 9.5's glibc has been updated to the version which have the same issue with 10 kitten. Now we have a fix for the issue and fixed version will be released soon.

However, recovery is the issue if glibc has once updated to the broken version.
image.png (146,133 bytes)   
image.png (146,133 bytes)   


2024-11-27 00:39

manager   ~0001092

FreeBSD issue for the record:


2024-12-18 07:19

manager   ~0001100

The issue is fixed in upstream:


2025-01-21 04:40

manager   ~0001103

The glibc package with the fix has been released already, closing.
We don't update 9.5 ISO. Install from 9.4 ISO and update to 9.5. Alternatively, you can use the 20250114 GenericCloud image on bhyve.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-24 17:54 theqkash New Issue
2024-11-25 13:26 metalefty Note Added: 0001090
2024-11-25 13:26 metalefty File Added: image.png
2024-11-27 00:39 metalefty Note Added: 0001092
2024-12-18 07:19 metalefty Note Added: 0001100
2025-01-21 04:40 metalefty Note Added: 0001103
2025-01-21 04:41 metalefty Assigned To => metalefty
2025-01-21 04:41 metalefty Status new => resolved