View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000266AlmaLinux-8anacondapublic2022-06-15 15:54
Reporterggiesen Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformx86_64OSAlmaLinux 8OS Version8.6
Summary0000266: Anaconda fails after typing in passphrase for encrypted disk with "TypeError: Argument 1 does not allow None as a value"
DescriptionAnaconda fails after typing in the passphrase for an encrypted disk, and clicking "Save Passphase". May take happen almost immediately or may take a minute. This happens even before your accept the changes for the disk layout.

Steps To ReproduceCreate a VM in VMware Workstation Pro 16.2.1 with the following attributes:

1 vCPU
55 GB Disk
1 Network Adapter

Remove Sound Card
Remove Printer

Boot AlmaLinux 8.6 DVD, Configure Networking, Select Time Zone, Disable KDUMP, Enter Root Password.

Select Manual Partitioning, "I want to encrypt my disks" with the following disk layout:

/boot - 1 GiB
/swap - 2 GiB
/root - 20 GiB
/home - 10 GiB
/tmp - 5 GiB
/var - 10 GiB
/var/log - 5 GiB

Click done, and enter encryption passphrase. Click "Accept Passphrase". Within 5-60 seconds, the crash report will appear.
Additional InformationScreenshot and crash report attached
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
anaconda_error.png (90,383 bytes)   
anaconda_error.png (90,383 bytes)   



2022-06-15 03:20

reporter   ~0000596

More screenshots of all settings


2022-06-15 15:54

reporter   ~0000597

More settings screenshots since Mantis thinks I'm spamming, it won't let me attach them all at once.
VM_settings.png (33,936 bytes)   
VM_settings.png (33,936 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-06-15 03:01 ggiesen New Issue
2022-06-15 03:01 ggiesen File Added: anaconda-2022-06-14-224631.338516-1827.tar.gz
2022-06-15 03:01 ggiesen File Added: anaconda_error.png
2022-06-15 03:20 ggiesen Note Added: 0000596
2022-06-15 03:20 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-17-32.png
2022-06-15 03:20 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-12-27.png
2022-06-15 03:20 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-13-18.png
2022-06-15 03:20 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-13-26.png
2022-06-15 03:20 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-13-39.png
2022-06-15 03:20 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-13-58.png
2022-06-15 15:54 ggiesen Note Added: 0000597
2022-06-15 15:54 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-14-24.png
2022-06-15 15:54 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-14-36.png
2022-06-15 15:54 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-15-03.png
2022-06-15 15:54 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-16-16.png
2022-06-15 15:54 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-16-41.png
2022-06-15 15:54 ggiesen File Added: CentOS 8 64-bit-2022-06-14-23-17-13.png
2022-06-15 15:54 ggiesen File Added: VM_settings.png