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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000453AlmaLinux-9irqbalancepublic2024-01-17 17:48
Reporteralisboav Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
OSAlma LinuxOS Version9.3 
Summary0000453: irqbalance error messages
DescriptionAfter upgrading to AlmaLinux 9.3 and rebooting one of my VMs, I noticed the following errors in /var/log/messages:

/usr/sbin/irqbalance[750]: Cannot change IRQ 53 affinity: Input/output error
/usr/sbin/irqbalance[750]: IRQ 53 affinity is now unmanaged

# rpm -q irqbalance

Looks like the same error was reported here:

Can you please take a look?

Kind regards,
Marta Vila Fernandes
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-17 17:48 alisboav New Issue