View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000315AlmaLinux-8-OTHERpublic2023-03-06 13:36
Reporterkamtec1 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000315: growpart not working correctly when VG is set to almalinux in LVM - almalinux 8.6
DescriptionHi ,

growpart not working correctly when Volume Group is set to almalinux in LVM config
If you creating a new Volume Group with different name you are ok (default centos 8 is cl) but when you are using almalinux and you try to grow LVM to partition its fails with error :
NOCHANGE: partition 1 is size 205807616. it cannot be grown

Steps To ReproduceInstalling clean almalinux with LVM
extend disk via esxi
sudo yum -y install cloud-utils-growpart
check with lsblk regarding needed partition to grow
growpart /dev/sda 1
Additional Informationcloud-utils-growpart version 0.31-3.el8 from appstream
Attached Files
photo_2022-10-27_15-49-14.jpg (2,590 bytes)   
photo_2022-10-27_15-49-14.jpg (2,590 bytes)   



2023-03-06 13:36

reporter   ~0000833

Same problem with almalinux 9

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-10-27 12:55 kamtec1 New Issue
2022-10-27 12:55 kamtec1 Tag Attached: lvm
2022-10-27 12:55 kamtec1 File Added: photo_2022-10-27_15-49-14.jpg
2023-03-06 13:36 kamtec1 Note Added: 0000833